Sock Monkey Madness

2-Hour Workshops • Gallery Presentation • Exhibit Tour

Sock Monkey Madness Images

When: Saturday, March 9 - Don't Miss The Fun!

Where: Midway Village Museum, 6799 Guilford Road, Rockford, IL

Bring your monkey back to where it all began at the Sock Monkey Madness Festival in Rockford, Illinois! This year’s theme is Funky Monkey where the Sock Monkeys and families of all ages will have a wild time!

Kids!! Make Your Own Sock Monkey!

With a Sock Monkey Kit, kids will learn how to make their very own Sock Monkey, step-by-step, during a two-hour, fun-filled Make-a-Monkey Workshop!

Event Activities Map

Sock Monkey Madness Event Map
Click map to enlarge map.

Explore Sock Monkey History!

Rockford - Home of the Sockey MonkeyPlus, at our award-winning museum, kids can even explore Sock Monkey history as they step back in time and discover the importance of the iconic Sock Monkey to Rockford’s industrial past. They'll see how a simple sock led to the growth of a city and the creation of a universally-recognized symbol that is still popular today.

And Much More!

Questions? Call Kristine Adams-Wedemeyer at 815-397-9112 or email her at