Outreach and Traveling History

Immigration Mini Trunk
Immigration Mini Trunk (pictured).

Outreach and Virtual Programs

For your convenience, Midway Village Museum offers history outreach programs for you to enhance your classroom curriculum through our Traveling Trunks and History Talks. Subjects range from local history topics like Bessica Raiche, Rockford Peaches, and Sock Monkeys. To U.S. history topics such as: the Civil War, WWI, and WWII. If you would like a detailed list of our offerings, pricing, or have any questions, contact teresa.streed@midwayvillage.com or 815-397-9112, ext. 106.

To view how Midway's programs meet state educational standards, download our 15-page Illinois State Standards overview in PDF format. To see how they meet National Social Studies Curriculum Standards 2, 3 & 4, download our 3-page Program Education Standards guide in PDF format.

Program Education Standards